Powerful and Robust LPR Camera For Road Traffic Management
CCTVMEA Road Traffic Camera Selecting Guide
Imagine a camera that can relieve the burden of manually monitoring traffic by human labor, which can detect, read the plates accurately, measure speed to optimize the traffic flow. Milesight provides such excellent road traffic cameras that go beyond reading plates, but can recognize vehicle type, vehicle color, plate color, and etc., for more advanced usage with AI-empowered LPR algorithm embedded. Plus, Milesight Road Traffic cameras has further integrated with other cutting-edge technologies such as 3D Radar, supplement light, PTZ to significantly expand its core functionality. With stunning and impressive capabilities combined, Milesight Road Traffic cameras are beneficial for high-demanding traffic management situations.
Key Considerations for Road Traffic Management
Key Considerations for Road Traffic Management
Superior Images + Advanced AI Algorithms + Customer-oriented Solutions
Failed to capture the fast moving vehicle?
It’s always the top concern to capture plates of speedy vehicles in traffic monitoring. Milesight Intelligent Traffic cameras adopted the 1/2″ large sensor, supplement light and feature 100fps ultra high frame rate with advanced image processing algorithms to capture all clear details of fast moving vehicles during the day and night.
Frustrated about misreads and false positives?
Based on AI deep learning neural networks, our embedded AI LPR algorithms allow the camera to detect plates and read characters precisely, reducing false positives (bumper stickers, decals, etc.) and dealing better with smudges, plate variation, lighting changes or different angles than traditional LPR algorithms. Besides, Milesight Intelligent Traffic cameras can also realize AI-based attributes recognition such as vehicle type, vehicle brand, vehicle color and plate color, providing a new level of insights for further analysis.
Traditional LPR Algorithms
High rate of false positives
Milesight AI LPR Algorithms
Focus on plates precisely
Can't get clear plates at night?
Poor lighting can be another major challenge in road traffic monitoring. However, that won’t be an issue for us. Milesight adopts supplement light and develops a dedicated LPR Image Mode to enhance the performance of 24/7 traffic monitoring through both hardware and software.
What about other advanced functions that can benefit from?
- Real-time traffic data with detailed vehicle features, including plate, plate color, vehicle type, vehicle color, speed, direction and so on.
- Quick search for the suspected vehicles based on plate, plate color, vehicle type, vehicle color and etc.
- Information about traffic flows with 24/7 car counting
- Customer-oriented solutions (Coming soon)
Upgrade to Intelligent Entrance & Exit Management
Upgrade your entrance & exit management by simply saying hello to us and we will map your needs to tailor the best solution for you!
Now, let Milesight bring you a extremely efficient experience in simplicity.